
Millions for HAICu Project to Unlock Cultural Heritage with AI

The NWO is providing 10.3 million euros for the HAICu project. This project deploys artificial intelligence (AI) to make digital heritage collections more accessible. It allows users to more easily interpret events from different perspectives and assess them for authenticity. The project will run for six years.

The University of Groningen is the lead institution for the project. In HAICu, AI and Digital Humanities researchers collaborate with various partners and interested citizens on scientific breakthroughs to unlock, connect, and analyze extensive digital heritage collections.

The extraordinary challenges of cultural heritage provide a unique opportunity to push the boundaries of AI. Future techniques must be able to be used outside the laboratory, learn from as few examples as possible and continuously learn from users. These techniques must take into account the societal demand for accountable and explainable methods for creating multimodal narratives of our cultural heritage that extend beyond current major language models.

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